Barreista Be Well

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Homemade Hummus

I love finding ways to enjoy my favorite foods while keeping it healthy. Although hummus is typically thought of as a healthy snack, and yes there are lots of less healthy choices, it can be full of oil and additives when you buy it from the grocery store. If you have a decent food processor you can be on your way to delicious homemade hummus too!

Here is my recipe!

1 can of organic chickpeas drained, save liquid when draining

2 cloves of roasted garlic

the juice from half a lemon

1 tblsp of olive oil

1/4 of the liquid retained from drained

season with pepper and roasted red pepper flakes

Combine all ingredients in a food processor and blend to a consistency of your liking. If you like your hummus a little creamier you can always add more olive oil or liquid.

You can also take this base recipe and put your own spin on it. Want to add roasted red peppers, go for it. Want to add extra spices or make it Greek style with Kalamata olives, you should. The beauty of this snack is you can make it your own with little twists and variations.

I like to serve my hummus with fresh cut veggies and I also love topping my salads with it. It makes a great side with a dish of roasted vegetables too. The possibilities are really endless.

How do you like your hummus? I would love to see your creations!