Barreista Be Well

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Mindful Moments

Hello and happy Friday or happy whatever day you might be reading this! I hope you are feeling well! I don’t know about you but the last few weeks have been a whirlwind of change, adjustment and among other things, growth! The fear and anxiety that was gripping me quite closely 4 weeks ago has eased a bit and I’m grateful for that. I’ve been abiding to the stay at home orders and keeping my bubble very small. In doing “all the right things” I found myself missing human connection more than I could have imagined. As someone who already works from home, that piece of this puzzle was not a big deal. In fact I feel immense appreciation for the job I have when so many others are feeling much more uncertainity right now. The parts of my life that kept me feeling whole, kept my cup feeling filled so to speak, those stopped dead in their tracks. At least for a moment.

(warning, this might get deep)

What I’ve been learning is that the feeling whole and the cup filling, those are not external things. Those are daily practices of yoga and meditation, tuning inward to truly know myslef and all the power and strength that is within me. Thus revealing that the things I thought were helping me feel whole or filling the cup were in fact just the purpose within me being realized. Leading people to wellness, teaching classes, connecting with others, helping woman find their inner strength and see their beauty, this is my purpose! It’s more clear now than ever before. This however is not what makes me whole, only I can do that.

“Happiness is an inside job.”

If this isn’t connecting, don’t worry, this might feel more like a journal entry than a blog post, but that is okay. It’s on my heart to share, and this is my website after all. 😉

I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’ve learned a few things about myself over the last several weeks and I’m grateful for this time to do that. This hasn’t been a sacrafice, I havne’t had to give anything up. If anything, I’ve gained so much and I’m honestly not sure I would have been able to if we hadn’t been forced to press pause.

I hope that regardless of your circumstances you are able to find some light, some sunshine in these dark days. There is still a grim reality to all of this. So many lives lost, so many lives changed and alterted in unimaginable ways. That does not go unnoticed, so if you’re a praying person, say your prayers. If you can help in some way, big or small, do that. If you can simply offer support in the form of shining your own light bright to give hope, do that.

We must continue to lift one another up. We just might find that when we do that the things that are no longer needed, no longer serve us or were never meant for us anway start to fall away!

Be well, my dear friends!