Wellness Wednesday - Meditation 101

What if I told you I had something that could help you lessen your stress and anxiety, lengthen your attention span, promote emotional health, reduce memory loss and generate kindness? Wouldn’t you want it, like, NOW! If this was a 1 AM infomercial you’d be dialing it up as I type this. It’s simple my friends, meditation! Pause for a moment and take one deep cleansing inhale and then release the breath through a cleansing long exhale, feel anything? What about if you take ten of them? Meditation is not a new concept, it’s been around for over 5,000 years. Something with that much staying power must be good for you. Often times meditation is used to “unplug” from life. I imagine 5,000 years ago there was a little less to “unplug” from, but if they were doing it then it makes sense to me that we need it now more than ever.

It’s practical and simple, can be done just about anywhere and you’ll like this part best, it’s free!

I’m by no means an expert on this topic, I suppose I’ve been meditating in savasana for years and just not realizing it, but thanks to my yoga teacher training I have upped my zen game and I want to share a few tips with you on starting a simple meditation practice.

Simple Start to Meditation

Sit or lie comfortably. (I like to use a meditation cushion if I’m sitting and an eye pillow if I’m lying down.)

Make no effort to control the breath; simply breathe naturally.

Focus your attention on the breath and on how the body moves with each inhalation and exhalation. Notice the movement of your body as you breathe. Observe your chest, shoulders, rib cage, and belly. Simply focus your attention on your breath without controlling its pace or intensity. If your mind wanders, return your focus back to your breath.

Maintain this meditation practice for two to three minutes to start, and then try it for longer periods. 

I love deeply inhaling these oils to begin my meditation, it helps set the tone for my practice. Place a couple drops of essential oil in the palms of your hands and rub together, then take several deep breaths.

If you are worried at all about being able to calm your mind enough to just sit with your breath there are so many great apps that can help guide you through your meditation. Making it easy to start with a little bit of time and add on as you want. My two favorite apps are Calm and Insight Timer. Both of them have a lot of free content, making mediation very accessible.

I love this diffuser blend for maintaining my zen throughout the day.