Making Space


This isn’t going to be my take on the Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, I’m not going to suggest you get rid of half your yoga pants or leggings because yes we all know, they bring joy. Don’t get me wrong, de-cluttering your physical space is absolutely necessary but that’s not the kind of space we are making here today.

My intuition, my gut feeling, for quite sometime has been telling me I’ve been spreading myself too thin. I didn’t know how or where to cut back though. Everything I’m doing I’m passionate about, in many ways it’s in service to others and that means a lot to me. Even so, I’m realizing that I’ve created a bit of a hamster wheel for myself and each time I add something I just keep running faster rather than moving forward. Okay, these metaphors are getting to be too much. Here’s the deal. In an effort to pursue a full and abundant life, where I’m excited and passionate about how I spend my time and who I spend it with I’ve layered on a bit too much and it’s taking up too much space. It’s time to make some space.


Well, what does this look like? I don’t know just yet, but I’m journaling about it, meditating on it and coming to my mat as often as possible because in the quiet is where I will know the next step.

There is something powerful in the simple act of me sharing this with you, putting it out into the Universe, for me to act on and for it to be received. Stay tuned to Barreista Be Well to see what's next!