My Liver Cleanse Journey : Days 1-5


Before I even tell you about the first five days of the cleanse let me just say thank you. Thank you for following along on this journey. If you are reading this, you’ve probably been seeing my posts on Instagram and Facebook talking about how I’ve been feeling, what I’ve been eating, etc. So thanks just for tuning in! I didn’t come to the decision to do this cleanse lightly. I wasn’t worried about the diet part of the cleanse, as I already eat a mostly vegetarian diet, so the move to vegan wasn’t big. Giving up caffeine and alcohol, well that’s another story. Coffee, my dear coffee, I have started just about every day for 20+ years with a cup(or more) of coffee. This felt like the hardest part. I wasn’t as concerned about the alcohol since I usually don’t drink during the week. This cleanse had to be perfectly timed for me. I needed it to be at a time when I didn’t have to travel for work and when I could dedicate the time needed to prep properly each day. To be clear, I didn’t do this cleanse to lose weight but rather as an opportunity to truly detox my system, mind and body.


Well, days 1-5 are by far the hardest days of the cleanse. This is when you experience the detox symptoms ranging from headaches (check), fatigue (check), night sweats (already have these so…), bloating (didn’t experience much of this), muscle pain or fatigue (definitely had this) and moodiness (just going to leave that one alone). Since everyone experiences symptoms differently this will vary based on each individual, but these are generally what you would potentially experience. The headaches and fatigue were the worst part, plain and simple. I am not someone who typically gets headaches so I really struggled with that. I was basically bathing myself in Deep Relief oil from Young Living. Epsom Salt baths with essential oils like Lavender are quite helpful too!


Each morning I woke up early had my shake and then laid back down. This was really nice since I was feeling so much fatigue, that extra rest was helpful. It also was a nice time to reflect on how I was feeling. As I got to day 4 my headaches were lessening and by the end of day 5 they were nowhere to be seen. Same goes with the extreme exhaustion I was feeling the first couple days. What I was feeling was nourished, clear and in a very good mood.

I’m excited to see what days 6-11 hold for me.

Chandanni reached out to me after seeing all my posts and stories about my cleanse experience and has provided me a discount code for my followers! You can join me on this liver cleanse now or in your own time and get 10% off.

Use code “AB10” when you shop here!