My Liver Cleanse Journey : Getting Started

In one week I’ll be embarking on a new health journey. I’m participating in the chandanni 14-Day Ayurvedic Liver Cleanse. Have you heard of this cleanse? Have you done this cleanse?

Honestly, I feel more than ready for a reset. Not because I partied all summer and need to reel it in, but rather because I’ve been going through a transitional time in my life and the last several months I have felt myself moving and changing and being pushed in new direction. Growth is not usually comfortable and I can attest to that and how I’ve felt the last many months.

So this cleanse comes at the perfect time for me personally, I feel ready!

Truth be told, giving up caffeine is my biggest hesitation with this cleanse.

This video will help you learn about the cleanse.

Interested in joining me and the group starting this cleanse on September 12th? Click here!

I feel having a support group during any kind of fitness or nutritional challenge/transformation makes it much easier for me. If nothing else, having someone who can relate to how I’m feeling and helping me know what to expect will be very helpful. You can follow along with my cleanse on social media. I’ll be documenting my experience. I’d love for you to join me!