Community Classes Are Coming

How’s your list of intentions or goals coming along? Have you already tucked that notebook away or do you have them posted somewhere you can see them every day? Let yourself be reminded of all the optimism and possibility you felt on Day 1 of this year. Do not let it diminish as the routine of life sets back in.

One of my intentions for 2020 is to live in service to others in more ways. More specifically I want to offer more community classes. So what do you do when you want something to happen? Create a plan and put that plan into action. Barreista Be Well will be offering a variety of ways to participate in community classes this year and I couldn’t be more excited about it! Over the past year I’ve had the opportunity to bring yoga and meditation to my community by offering free yoga at the Oak Creek Farmers Market as well as participating in a Wellness Wednesday program at the local high school.

I’m taking this intention next level in 2020! I’ll be a regular at the Oak Creek Farmers Market this summer, offering free community yoga. I also hope to have other pop up classes and I’ll definitely be hosting more Barreista Be Well events throughout the year.


The Benefits

Community classes offer many wonderful benefits. For one they make fitness and wellness accessible to more people while providing a welcoming environment for someone who might be trying something for the first time. Additional benefits include;

~ Accountability to create a workout routine

~ Social Support & Friendship

~ Opportunity to explore movement in a new way

~ Build community


My Why

Well, why not? In all seriousness though, I feel called to do this. I want to provide a place people feel safe to come and move their bodies, get in touch with their breathe, meet new people and in the process I hope we build community. Life is better when we are experiencing it in community with others, we know we can count on someone to show up for us or be there when we are feeling down.

Also, yoga has profoundly changed me as a person. Learning how to tap into my breath and bring myself inward helps me in all situations. I want to share this with others and I want to learn too! We can only do that when we come together!

Stay tuned to the Events page of Barreista Be Well for upcoming dates and locations!

You can still catch me several days a week at Barre District Oak Creek, teaching Barre, Yoga and Fight Express(HIIT), check out that schedule here.