Barreista Be Well

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2020 Ready

Can you believe we are one week away from Christmas? Me either!

This holiday season snuck up on me the way my dog sneaks up on the bed after I go to sleep at night. Quietly, unnoticed until I realize I’m being pushed off the edge. Well, not that dramatic, but you get the point. Between traveling for Thanksgiving, Yoga Teacher Training on back to back weekends and traveling multiple weeks in a row for my 9-5, it is finally hitting me that Christmas is basically tomorrow.

I have to say, this busy season has been challenging for me personally. Although it’s been an extreme time of change and growth, it hasn’t come without its anxieties and stressors. I find that the work I do to improve and grow myself is some of the hardest work I do. For one, it’s not just about me. What I do impacts those around me to some degree, it can shift dynamics, perspectives, etc. Also, it stirs up lots of thoughts and feelings that can be difficult to process.

It is also extremely rewarding. Discovering new parts of myself, realizing new paths to go down, that part is very exciting. This is what has me feeling very ready for 2020!

It’s not just a new year, it’s a new decade. In 2019 I took my wellness to new heights, changing my nutrition, moving to non toxic products and incorporating plant based wellness (hello essential oils, I love you) into my routine. With all of these changes I saw my confidence grow, my health dramatically improve and my heart and mind become more open. I can’t wait to see what 2020 has in store!

I’m kicking off the year with the Chandanni Liver Cleanse. This cleanse played a pivotal role in my wellness this year and I know that each time I complete the cleanse I’m providing myself the opportunity to grow in new ways. I’m inviting you to join me!

We’re starting January 3rd!!

Curious about what the cleanse is and my prior experience? You can read about it here, here and here.

Shop the cleanse now and use code “FLASH15” for 15% off. This is the last flash sale of the year. Now is the time to invest in your wellness in a whole new way! Come along on this amazing, transformational journey.

Already bought your cleanse? Be sure to join our Facebook Group.